Monday, June 3, 2019

Teachers: Before you post your countdown to summer...

“Just 4 more spelling tests!”

“Parents, tag - you’re it!”

”Must be a full moon again!”

“Last IEP meeting!”

We get it, the last month of school is hard. You’re eager for summer, the kids are eager for summer, administration is eager for summer. At a time when jobs are scarce, teachers are underpaid, and educators across the board are undervalued, messages like these can be conveying more than you mean for them to. So, before you post your complaints publicly in your social media page for the world to absorb, please consider the following:

Teaching is the only profession that gets a long-term break from the work. Sure, you spend your summer going to PD, making lesson plans, and purchasing supplies but remember that extra time with your own family isn’t a luxury other professions get. 

When you count down to every break and summer vacation, it seems like you don’t value the job you have. You probably often look forward to being in the classroom - post about your job on those days. 

When you complain about the class, it seems like you don’t really like children. You’ve committed your life to helping children, reflect that passion.  

When you complain about one child specifically (even namelessly) we wonder if it’s our child or what our child’s teacher would say about our child. And we wonder if we should trust any of you. Before you post about a single child, imagine how that child’s parents would feel if they read it. Imagine if the child himself read your words. You are a helper, be sure your words are aligned with your actions. 

When your main focus is your breaks and days off, it’s hard to advocate for your higher pay and release time. As tired as you may be, keep your energy on the work. Don’t let the community forget how important your work is. 

Putting pressure back on parents makes it feel less like a community and more like a competition. We’re on the same team here, don’t heckle your teammates when you tag out for a bit. Have their backs because you need them to have yours too. 

Expressing your frustration publicly turns the focus away from what you do well and puts the spotlight on things you’d never put in a job description (I.e. how many holidays you have per year). You work hard, you really, really do. Please be sure your social media pages reflect your genuine passion for being an educator and for growing our children. 

We know where your heart is, keep your words there too. 

And please do enjoy your summer, you deserve it. 

(Worth noting: I am writing this as a parent but I’m also an educator of nearly 20 years.)

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