Sunday, February 18, 2018

Right or left?

Yet another school shooting in 2018....

This is not a right or left issue: NO ONE wants their child to go to school and never come home. No one wants to get the call that their child has been shot. No one wants to find out their child spent 4 hours crouched under his desk, afraid for his life.  

No one wants this, it’s not right or left. But your response, your action might fall right or left. How does your political stance contribute to or fight these violent occurrences? What solutions lie within your political views? What vote are you casting to protect your child? 

But there’s more, our political response isn’t enough. We need to closely examine our value systems and how we care for each other as humans. Our interactions with people are our preventative measures. Where can you lend your kindness? How are you taking care of your loved ones so they know how to cope when things get dark? 29 people so far, 45 days into this year, saw no other way out than to shoot innocent people. What are you doing to make sure the people in your life have a way out? It’s not just about preventing future shootings, it’s about love. Today. Because no one should have to go thru this, right or left.